Is josh homeless?

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You are absolutely right.

For the past two years we have endured forced “shelter in place” “Wear a mask” “Get vaccinated or you don’t get served or get in.”

The “homeless” (They are not ‘homeless’ they live down there.) have been dealt with on a ‘hands off’ policy in the subway.

The “advocates” for the homeless, tell us we cannot forcibly remove people living in their own filth, clothed in rags, ranting to invisible demons, because we will “violate their rights.” Far too many of these “advocates” do nothing more than advocate to keep the homeless homeless – it is the meal ticket of the “advocates”.

For over a century the Bowery Mission and The New York City Rescue Mission, (once the Water Street Mission) have provided meals, shelter and clean clothes to those down on their luck or the confusion of mental illness. They advocate for changing the situation of the down and out, not maintaining it as an option. Far too many homeless find themselves in these desperate straits fearful of the shelters, and sadly with good reason, or the simple rejection of rules. The poor will always be with us, but we don't have to listen to an advocate try to justify leaving the helpless to fend for themselves when it is apparent they can't.

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